~ Live Video ~  



  Playing and singing live and singing a few old songs



 Performing at Parkes Elvis Festival



On Bert Newtons GMA, about 1995

my goodness this day was a lot of fun

John Foreman just smashing it! Wait for his solo....



   Live at JD's Cronulla Piano Bar





 Photo Montage

with Brass In Pocket, sung by Di




On The Midday Show with Phil Scorgie's,

The Right Stuff, with Geoff Robertson

and the cream of Sydney's players

Ahhhh the 1990s what a time





My little kids' song for Easter




written and recorded during covid

This song it's based on the mantra Aham Prema

meaning I Am Divine Love- (it's the background vocal)

and the Hawaiian ancient practice of reconciliation

called Ho'oponopono,

expressing gratitude, forgiveness, remorse and love

to move on and let go the past





Ohhh the days of the Bankstown Sports Club

spinning piano bar (sad face)


visit my facebook artist page here

make sure you LIKE me- I'm very insecure